Monday, June 21, 2010

Hot love!

My daughter (the amazingly beautiful and engaging Rindy-Rose) posed a question tonight at dinner that neither her father nor I could really answer: "Why do people like hot (spicy) food?"

She is NOT a fan of spicy hotness. Up until the "magical" age of two or so, she really seemed to enjoy highly spiced foods, but sometime thereafter it was like a scene in adventure movie, where the huge, lead door comes barreling down and BOOM! Whole new freakin' ball-game where even black pepper sprinkles put her off.

When she asked the question, both her Dad and I were really stymied for an answer. I don't know "why" I like hot and spicy foods. She suggested that it was simply about "macho-ness" and I certainly understand why she thinks that: So many (usually white) boys seem to think that being able to tolerate insane levels of heat in their food makes them somehow more "manly." I just love cooking up a batch of green chili for these boys and watching them sweat and wipe their brows and drink copious amounts of liquid as they partake. My husband - the Thai man who was literally weaned on fire - drips buckets when he eats my green chili. When I order food in a Thai restaurant, I specify "Thai hot" and I always, ALWAYS get a very mild dish and it really pisses me off. Even when they say "Are you sure?" and I answer "Yes, I'm SURE, I've been married to a Thai man for almost thirty years so I know what I'm asking for!" While I appreciate them asking that, because I'm sure they get a shitload of "I am a MANLY guy who can take it" types who then end up sending the dish back, I'm sitting there with an obviously Thai man and I'm saying "YES, I am SURE" and they still hold back. GRRR!

I don't particularly want all of my food hot. For instance, one of the guys who sits in the back of my mind as I type this is a huge fan of fiery hot cheetos and other such snacks. I prefer my cheetos cheesy, not fiery. On the other hand, I recently found a recipe for Mexican brownies that, while not spicy hot, were spicy GREAT.

I guess I could google and find out why we spicy-HOT lovers enjoy our spicy hotness. But I'd really rather hear other people's thoughts on it. If you love certain dishes hot Hot HOT, tell me and try to explain why. The best I could come up with when Rindy-Rose asked at dinner tonight was "It's a great sinus-clearer."

Monday, June 14, 2010

Foodiefights Battle: Rye and Cherries

When I saw that rye and cherries were the two ingredients chosen for this weeks FoodieFights battle, I threw my hat in the ring immediately. I could live on rye bread, and have perfected my own Jewish Rye recipe. And cherries... oh, my! Cherry has long been my absolute favorite flavor for almost anything: pie, cake, ice cream, Icees, you name it, I want it CHERRY-flavored!

I actually made a loaf of rye bread and built a sandwich that sounded absolutely heavenly in my head (a grilled sandwich with cracked pepper roast beef, lemongrass and basil mayo, grilled radicchio, goat cheese and a cherry relish with fennel, celery, lots of fresh black pepper and mexican oregano), but was surprisingly bland when it was all said and done. Luckily I had already made a success of a dessert and that is what I'm here to share...

Rye 'n Spice Cake with White Chocolate Cherry Ice Cream and Chocolate-Covered Drunken Cherry Sauce

Rye 'n Spice Cake

This is a really tasty spice cake, and it's perfect for serving under ice cream because the rye gives it much more body than a plain flour cake so that it doesn't turn to soggy mush.


1 cup rye flour

1 cup all purpose flour

1/3 cup granulated sugar

2 tsp baking soda

zest of one orange

1 tsp cinnamon

1/2 tsp allspice

1/2 tsp almond extract

1/4 tsp ground fennel seed

2/3 cup honey

2 eggs, beaten

1/4 cup canola oil

1/4 cup water


Sift dry ingredients together. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into greased 8" cake pan and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

White Chocolate Cherry Ice Cream

I'm very new to ice-cream making, having just received the ice cream maker attachment for my KitchenAid this past Christmas. With more experience, I would have known better than to add the white chocolate chips (which were a last minute idea), or at least that they should have been chopped up rather than added whole. As is, they're just big old frozen turds in an otherwise delicious ice cream.


2 cups heavy cream

1 cup milk

3/4 cup demerara sugar

2 egg yolks

1 TB vanilla extract

1/4 tsp almond extract

2 cups fresh cherries, pitted and quartered

1 cup white chocolate chips


Combine cream, milk, sugar and egg yolks in a small saucepan, stirring to dissolve sugar. Heat gently until mixture begins to thicken slightly. Remove from heat, stir in extracts and refrigerate for one hour.

Add one cup of cherries to the custard and pour into ice cream maker. Add remaining cherries and chocolate chips during last few minutes of churning.

Chocolate-Covered Drunken Cherry Sauce

Oh, yum! I could have eaten this all by itself - it tasted like Christmas.


1/2 cup freshly-squeezed orange juice (1 orange)

1/2 cup spiced rum

1/4 cup demerara sugar

1 heaping cup fresh cherries, pitted and quartered

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp cloves

1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips


Heat orange juice, rum and sugar, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Add cherries and spices and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. Add chocolate and stir till melted in. Transfer to a blender and puree till smooth. Spoon over ice cream while still warm.

There you have it! Now, hustle on over to FoodieFights and VOTE! Well - not this minute though. I don't think voting opens until tomorrow. I know I don't have a prayer of winning - having looked over several previous battles, I'm up against some truly creative minds - but I hate to go down with NO votes. ;)

Saturday, June 5, 2010


As a former (eons ago) student of creative writing, I've heard it over and over and over again: Cliches are unimaginative. Cliches are lazy. Cliches are...cliche. But the overriding fact for me about cliches has always been: "They're all those things because they're basic truths." One of those cliches that hit home for me tonight was "Life is what happens when you're making other plans."

I started this blog to share my creative endeavors in the kitchen. Days later, "life" reared its ugly head and made (god, I so want to say "mincemeat" of my plans, but surely I can channel Mr. Broten and do better from the start).... Days later, life sucker-punched me... (sorry!), um... Days later, the One-And-Only-Holy-God-of-Making-Sure-You-Don't-Get-Too-Comfortable paid a visit and sent me skittering down the highway of doom.

Okay, a tad over-dramatic, perhaps. But my focus tonight is also dramatically skewed, so you'll forgive me. (Or I will just delete your comment. Ha!) Tonight, I sat looking around the room I spend the most time in. (The room I spend the most time ON as well.) Spring just finally sprung here a week ago, and I've been out of town all that time, so the room is still dressed in winter. The heavy deep purple drapes are still up, the deeply-cloaked forest rug still in place. The mantle is still dressed with winter berries and sparkling candles. And as I sit and look at it all, I realize it's the last time I'll see it this way. I'll switch the drapes and the mantle-scape and the rugs and all of the other details to mark the transition from winter to spring soon, and we won't be here when autumn begs me to bring back its winter duds.

Truly, this is the only part of our home I'll really, really miss. I put a lot of myself into every room in this house, but this is where we spent our time together as a family. In another incarnation, this is where Amarindra sang and sang for the camera. This is where Tyler sat on the couch puking from yet another endless childhood bug. This is where Rindy-Rose and I made cookies. Where Chevy and I worked on an elementary school science project and then eventually discussed college and laughed at Comedy Central after college. This is where the kids gathered after school, or after a party. This is where they had parties. And girlfriends and boyfriends and...

This is where I sat with my husband, cuddled together watching Mad About You or L.A. Law. This is where I tended to him when he was recovering from bypass surgery. This is where he laughed at me for setting off the smoke alarm yet again from another cooking failure. This is where I threatened to divorce him if he ever cooked pickled bamboo shoots in the house again. This is where he placed countless Valentine's Day and Anniversary bouquets.

This is where my mom always dropped all the many, many things she would bring along when she spent a weekend. This is where we played board games together every time she would visit. (And, sadly, only when she visited.)

This is where I've always sat alone late at night, unwinding after everyone goes to bed and doing whatever I wanted to do (like ripping my bra off and throwing it aside when hot flashes would rear their.. um... strike).

I'm going to miss this room so much. But really, it is only a room. We can make new memories elsewhere. And the memories we made here? They weren't about the room. They were about us.