Saturday, June 5, 2010


As a former (eons ago) student of creative writing, I've heard it over and over and over again: Cliches are unimaginative. Cliches are lazy. Cliches are...cliche. But the overriding fact for me about cliches has always been: "They're all those things because they're basic truths." One of those cliches that hit home for me tonight was "Life is what happens when you're making other plans."

I started this blog to share my creative endeavors in the kitchen. Days later, "life" reared its ugly head and made (god, I so want to say "mincemeat" of my plans, but surely I can channel Mr. Broten and do better from the start).... Days later, life sucker-punched me... (sorry!), um... Days later, the One-And-Only-Holy-God-of-Making-Sure-You-Don't-Get-Too-Comfortable paid a visit and sent me skittering down the highway of doom.

Okay, a tad over-dramatic, perhaps. But my focus tonight is also dramatically skewed, so you'll forgive me. (Or I will just delete your comment. Ha!) Tonight, I sat looking around the room I spend the most time in. (The room I spend the most time ON as well.) Spring just finally sprung here a week ago, and I've been out of town all that time, so the room is still dressed in winter. The heavy deep purple drapes are still up, the deeply-cloaked forest rug still in place. The mantle is still dressed with winter berries and sparkling candles. And as I sit and look at it all, I realize it's the last time I'll see it this way. I'll switch the drapes and the mantle-scape and the rugs and all of the other details to mark the transition from winter to spring soon, and we won't be here when autumn begs me to bring back its winter duds.

Truly, this is the only part of our home I'll really, really miss. I put a lot of myself into every room in this house, but this is where we spent our time together as a family. In another incarnation, this is where Amarindra sang and sang for the camera. This is where Tyler sat on the couch puking from yet another endless childhood bug. This is where Rindy-Rose and I made cookies. Where Chevy and I worked on an elementary school science project and then eventually discussed college and laughed at Comedy Central after college. This is where the kids gathered after school, or after a party. This is where they had parties. And girlfriends and boyfriends and...

This is where I sat with my husband, cuddled together watching Mad About You or L.A. Law. This is where I tended to him when he was recovering from bypass surgery. This is where he laughed at me for setting off the smoke alarm yet again from another cooking failure. This is where I threatened to divorce him if he ever cooked pickled bamboo shoots in the house again. This is where he placed countless Valentine's Day and Anniversary bouquets.

This is where my mom always dropped all the many, many things she would bring along when she spent a weekend. This is where we played board games together every time she would visit. (And, sadly, only when she visited.)

This is where I've always sat alone late at night, unwinding after everyone goes to bed and doing whatever I wanted to do (like ripping my bra off and throwing it aside when hot flashes would rear their.. um... strike).

I'm going to miss this room so much. But really, it is only a room. We can make new memories elsewhere. And the memories we made here? They weren't about the room. They were about us.


  1. Aww Deb, that is so sentimental are you sure you are ok?!!! LOL!!! Seriously though your memories are in your heart you will make new memories on your new place who knows that may be the place where you get to get dressed up to be the Mother of the Bride/Groom, where you will hold your first grandchild..............the horizon has many colours and destinations go grab yours!!!

  2. I agree with Trishie..It's hard to leave a home you spent so much time in and made many memories, but the new home will hold even more great ones.

  3. lmao, and for THAT lame-assed comment, you want my treasured panang meatballs recipe? (Smooooch, Jan - coming up. ;)

  4. It is hard to start new memories, but no one can take away the old ones! I totally understand what you mean about the kitchen. That's where I spend my life! I must have missed it though--will have to look back at the first blog. Where are you going?

  5. What a great blog Deb! You have so much talent and style. I have missed you in a big way and is it so good to see you again. This is Nikki aka Soup Loving Nicole by the way.

  6. I missed it as well - where (and why) are you moving? Update, please? swchef

  7. Ha! I figured it out, lol! I emailed you, but just wanted to to let you know that I hope everything is ok and that I love ya and I hope for the best for you and your family. Anywhere you go will be wonderful, I'm sure. Please keep us posted. :)

  8. BOO YAH! I figgered it out! Howdy, Deb. Mominator, here. I would love to play the Gang Bang Thang! Thanks for letting us know Deb was here, Trishie! I wish you nothing but the best with your move, Deb. It's traumatic, but there are always new adventures to be had and new memories to be made. Miss ya bunches on AR!

  9. Marianne and Phoebe, you didn't miss it. That's a topic for another blog. Long story short though, we're downsizing drastically and taking most of the equity we have in our house here to purchase a home in the Los Angeles area. We will stay in Fort Collins until my husband retires in five years, and my son and a couple of buddies will rent the house we buy out there until then. Then, we'll either kick them out and move into it ourselves, or sell it and buy something elsewhere. (Panama looks good!)

  10. Hi, Nikki! Good to "see" you! I got your email, Christina, and I'm just so damned proud of you for figuring out how to comment here, Ms. Technologically-Challenged! ;) Vic, I doubt I'm going to get enough readers here to try a Gang-Up, but who knows. It would sure be fun.

  11. Hi Deb :) I'm so glad that I seen Trishie's post on the Exchange. Now I can harass you again :P I hope that your move goes well, and at least you can take the memories with you. And I'd love to do a Gang-Up with you again. Even though I think I only actually made it once.

  12. Whoops :) It's me Rae. Well Rachel is me. I'm confused it's showing 2 names. Ah well. Oh geez. Darn computer.

  13. yeah i love this! I miss 'hearing' you type!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. dislike =( everytime i read it, it makes me cry.

  16. Ha! Found you! Guess who? Damn computer wouldn't let me leave a message, so I had to create another account. Just what I need, one more....I see most of the 'gang' is here. Mom in her getup, LOL! Love ya Deb, let's create our own recipe website and we can say what we damn well please! Woohoo! ;)

  17. What a sweet story! There's definitely plenty of time for new memories and the ones that have already happened are better cherished forever!

  18. Rindy-Rose, go back and read the LAST paragraph and wipe those tears, dammit! (Love you baby-girl.) DragonLady, can I guess out loud? Even though you admitted to multiple accounts? (Ha! That alone kinda solved it for me ;)

  19. Peggy, I assume you're a foodiefighter? Thanks for popping in to read my drivel. My first post on this blog was much more relevant to cooking but I have a hard time staying on topic. ;)

  20. Whoa! Just noticed you up there, Rae - and you, Laurel! Thanks for popping in. I'll email you if I actually get enough interest to do a Gang-Up here, Rae. Are you keeping warm there on the other side of the world, Laurel?

  21. Did you guess right? It's me Mario! I still haven't figured out the follower thing up there...I am so computer unsavvy. Then after I set up a google account I found it would have let me posted under yahoo. I give up....Anyway, good to 'see' you and the blogs are great! ~Sassy~

  22. You were, indeed, the first person I thought of when I saw the post, Sassafrass - but the multiple accounts thing put me in mind of someone else. SO glad you're here! Wish I could make it to the Ohio gathering - sounds like a hoot.

  23. Thanks so much for this. Trishie told me off for not commenting on my last visit, so you have before you a very penitent man. I have tried to tot it up and I think I get to 26. That's the number of times I have moved home in my life! But yes it's traumatic, but also exciting as the beckoning unknown pulls at you.... All the very best,
    Phil (who happens to live in Switzerland at the moment)

  24. And I would also like to contcat you for an off-topic bit of help with some writing I want to do. If you are agreeable, then please drop me an email - my eMail address is without blanks, dashes, underlines, slashes or anything else I wasn't born with, and consists of my first initial, my middle initial and my surname followed by *at* and finished with bluewin dot ch

    My surname? = Gooda, my middle initial = S, and you know my first - LOL

  25. Hey, Deb! Meant to get around to commenting sooner... Hmmm, leaving the old house and settin' up a spanking new one -- sounds a bit like a metaphor for cookiing blogs to me! And I love the elephant thing -- elephants are so Thai, so sanuk! Suits you perfectly. And, I, too am confused about the multiple account thing, but I don't think I am that other Laurel up there?!?! Did I make a late night comment?

  26. Haha, the "elephant" in my case is explained in my first blog and it's not terribly exotic! I *thought* the other Laurel who was following the blog was you, but I do have a friend in Washington by that name so I guess it must be her. Now she's probably annoyed I didn't acknowledge her! Ooops!
